If you could haunt your house forever

Ethan Renoe
1 min readJan 19, 2020

If you could haunt your house forever,
you’d see the drywall fall apart.
You’d see the studs all start to rot
until done in by crane or spark.

If you could haunt your house forever,
you’d see the urban city sprawl;
the government’s development
would soon take hold of all.

If you could haunt your house forever,
oh the violence you would see.
You’d be monitoring arguments
for all eternity.

If you could haunt your house forever,
you’d see your home become a house.
It’d be a pile of debris
just like a corpse wearing a blouse

If you could haunt your house forever,
you’d see the people come and go.
You’d see families live and die
until you’re only there alone.


